Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Work Place Safety

Task 1: Some potential hazards at my service learning placement are possible slipping and falling, dangerous cleaning materials (bleach, clorox etc) getting hurt on the playground equipment, and things like that. There is also the fact that you may get sick from always being around lots of children, only because there are so many germs at daycares.
Task 2: Some things that I have learned about this profession is that working with kids is not always as easy as it seems. It really is hard work, and juggling 10 different children all at once can become very chaotic, very quickly. I have learned that patience is so crucial for this profession. You have to be kind, sweet, and nuturing towards all of the children. Lastly, it is really important to have a general compassion towards children to be able to handle this sort of job. Otherwise it may become way to hectic and hard to deal with. I have not had too many negative experiences so far, the only thing that may be a little negative is lunchtime, when all of the children are pretty rowdy, and hungry, it can be a little difficult to keep structure! Other than that all is well, eveyrone gets along, and we all seem to have a pretty good time together!

My service learning experience is coming to an end. Tomorrow is the last day, and I am upset that I don't get to see anyone anymore, but I appreciate that I got to get this experience, and get to meet all of the people that I did. I am going to miss everyone, especially the children. Nothing really exciting happend last Wednesday at my service learning though, it was the same routine, and I just made sure that I took care of the children, and that I helped as much as I could. My number one goal, besides safety, is to try and make sure that I am contributing to the daycare, only because Mrs. Janey and them are so sweet to me and Laura. And we really appreciate them for making the experince so fun, and beneficial!

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