Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Attendace and Timeliness

task 1
My personal time log before my servive learning:
1. wake up, take shower
2. pick out clothes
3. put on makeup
4. pack lunch
5.leave 20 minutes early to have enough time to get there early.
- i think that my routine is pretty solid. I am never late, and I don't think that I waste too much time, I stick to the same routine every single day, and it seems to work for me pretty well...

Task 2:
-i can impliment time mamagement into my daily life by keeping a good solid schedule, and going by it every day. Having good sleep patterns help, and so does eating a nice breakfast in the morning may help for me to not get ran down. always keeping track of the time also can help.
-I get overwhelmed with obligations all the time. What i do is just try to stay calm, and try to breath. Never give up, keep trying and trying until you are satisfied with your work. take one thing at a time, and do whatever you have to do with a good effort.

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