Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Study Skills

task 1
1.) getting to class on time: I would like to work on this because sometimes i show up to class late. It's easy to become distracted with social stuff, and lose track of the time, especially when there is no bell indicating that it's time to go to class! I think that I should work on becoming a little more "organized" so that I do not become so overwhelmed with work at school. I should organizes my notebooks, and notes, and class stuff so that it is easier for me to get started when i do show up for class! but lately i have not been tardy as much, so I have been improving!
2.) Taking good notes: I think that this is a big one for me. I don't mid taking notes, but i seem to have a hard time taking good, helpful ones. I think that i should learn how to abbreviate and shorten my notes, so that when i refer back to them, i will actually understand what it is that i wrote down.

task 2
a.) taking better notes:
paying better attention
writting fast
use symbols and abbreviations
review notes after class
ask questions

-i should work on having more motivation, stop worrying so much about the assignments, stop having such high standards about my work, stop disliking the tasks so much, and concentrate more!

My experience at the daycare...
To be honest, I thought that I was going to dislike it a lot! But after spending the day there, I ended up learning so much. I had a lot of fun, and I really got to experience what it is like having to take care of lots of different young children. I did not think that it was going to be as hard as it was! I noticed that my biggest concern with working with the children, was their safety. I made sure that each child was secure, and safe throughout the entire day. Which I am proud of, because I feel that I did a pretty good job for a first timer. I sort of struggled with keeping each child from putting every single little thing in their mouths! But i did make sure that I cleaned each toy at the end of the day, before I left.
Cleaning the center was the only thing that I disliked, although it wasn't even THAT bad to begin with. I jsut don't like cleaning very much in general..My first time at my service learning was very interesting to me, I look foward to going again in the weeks to come, I enjoyed it, and I adore each of the children I got to work with, already!

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