Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cell Phone Etiquette

Task 1: quiz results...
You could be worse
You know proper cell phone etiquette, but you don't always practice it. With just a little more effort, you can avoid the evil stares of strangers and save yourself the embarrassment of revealing private details on a quiet bus. Remember to use the environmental settings on your phone, excuse yourself from a conversation if it is necessary to make or take a phone call, and brush up on your cell phone etiquette here. And really, talking on your cell phone in the bathroom? That's just plain gross.
Task 2:
class discussion..
Task 3:
My supervisor at my service learning is very kind. She is very helpful, and she is always eager to help me if i have any problems or concerns. All of the children adore her, and I can see why! She is a very nice woman. Yes, she does give clear instructions. All of the information that I get from her is very helpful to me. And yes, she is willing to answer any questions I have with no problem. I have no problems communicating with her at all. Some qualities that I would like to portray someday if i were i supervisor, that she has is her kindness, knowledge of the children and the field, and her attitude. I have learned through my experience at my service learning, that becoming a supervisor at a daycare, or at a school, or being a teacher for that matter can be very difficult at times. That is why I am happy to have the experience here, because it makes it easier for me to figure out what my strengths and weaknesses are, and what I may need to work on. I love my service learning a lot though, because it really is preparing me and giving me a lot of insight on the profession of working with children.

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