Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Communication Skills

Task 1:
-Written: email, texting, or facebook. Problems that could arise from written communication is that the person that you are talking to may not be able to understand the tone of your voice, so if you are in a certain mood, they may have a harder time understanding what is going on...how this can be solved is by maybe using punctuation, for example if you are mad about something, you can use all caps to express that you are "yelling". You may also just tell the person how you are feeling too.
-Verbal: speaking directly to the person. There could be problems through this kind of communication only if you are being rude or something. When talking to someone you should try to make eye contact, and when the other person talks you should be attentive and listen to what they say.
-Non verbal: body language, eye contact, gestures. Problems that could arise from this form of communication is someone could get the wrong impression or get confused, because you are not speaking directly to that person. For example, if you look at someone, and roll your eyes, that person is going to assume you are upset with them. This could be solved by clarifying that you are not upset, and directly speaking to that person.

I personally think that my communication skills are fine. I am a very attentive, and outgoing person, and I like talking to people and stuff, so I feel like I know how to talk to people. I think that I could work on my encounters with my family though, sometimes we all do not see eye to eye, and i have found that talking things out with them, really does better the situation. Rather than just bottling everything up. Communication is very important to me. I don't think that i communicate differently with different groups of people. Maybe i would talk differently to a cop, than I would to my friend...thats about it :)

Service Learning Weekly Journal:

My experience at the daycare thus far has been good. I am really starting to get very close to everyone, especially the children. I have a lot of fun, and it is a blast.
All of the children are great, each one is different, and unique in their own ways. Which makes each one of them adorable! But there are some hard parts of the job. I have noticed that when it is towards the end of the day, each child kind of gets a little fussy, which can be difficult. But i am learning ways to take care of them, and treat them, and make sure that each one is safe!
Communication is crucial at the daycare though. The way that you interact with the children is sooo important. Especially the tone of your voice, for example if a child is doing something wrong, you want to be a little stern, and let the child know by the tone that they are hot to do what they are doing. It is very important to be gental and kind to each of the children, so your tone of voice is everything.
Ms. Janey is awesome, I have so much fun with her. She has so much experience with children, so she is a really good "mentor", and guide for me. We all have so much fun.

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