Tuesday, March 17, 2009

7 Habits of Successful PLC Students

Task 1:
I think that I could work on my study habits. I have a very busy schedule, so I never study outside of school. I think that learning how to review what I have learned can really help. I need more motivation to do this though, because finding the time to do this is hard!
Task 2:
I think that positive students also have a strong mind, and are stress free. Learning can be very hard when you have negativity and stress in your life. I think that learning ways to deal with hard stuff that comes up in your life could really help a student manage the way they think and learn. Which could have a very good outcome in the future. I know from personal experience that stress can interfere with school, work, and the people in your life.
Another habit that I think a positive student should have is turning in all work on time. It is eaasy to get side tracked, and forget to turn in assignments on the deadline. Better organization, could help with this. I am a very organized person, so I know that it really does help.
Task 3:
I have already filled out the student information...

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