Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Work Place Safety

Task 1: Some potential hazards at my service learning placement are possible slipping and falling, dangerous cleaning materials (bleach, clorox etc) getting hurt on the playground equipment, and things like that. There is also the fact that you may get sick from always being around lots of children, only because there are so many germs at daycares.
Task 2: Some things that I have learned about this profession is that working with kids is not always as easy as it seems. It really is hard work, and juggling 10 different children all at once can become very chaotic, very quickly. I have learned that patience is so crucial for this profession. You have to be kind, sweet, and nuturing towards all of the children. Lastly, it is really important to have a general compassion towards children to be able to handle this sort of job. Otherwise it may become way to hectic and hard to deal with. I have not had too many negative experiences so far, the only thing that may be a little negative is lunchtime, when all of the children are pretty rowdy, and hungry, it can be a little difficult to keep structure! Other than that all is well, eveyrone gets along, and we all seem to have a pretty good time together!

My service learning experience is coming to an end. Tomorrow is the last day, and I am upset that I don't get to see anyone anymore, but I appreciate that I got to get this experience, and get to meet all of the people that I did. I am going to miss everyone, especially the children. Nothing really exciting happend last Wednesday at my service learning though, it was the same routine, and I just made sure that I took care of the children, and that I helped as much as I could. My number one goal, besides safety, is to try and make sure that I am contributing to the daycare, only because Mrs. Janey and them are so sweet to me and Laura. And we really appreciate them for making the experince so fun, and beneficial!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Planning for immediate and long term success!

task one

Classic City High School PLC
Technology/Career Prep Seal Diploma Checklist

Name: Graduation Term:

Required Course
Term to take needed courses
English 9

English 10

English 11

English 12

Algebra IA

Algebra IB

One more math course

Physical Science


One other lab science course
(anatomy or entomology)

World History

U.S. History

American Government



One Elective Credit in one of the following areas:
Computer Technology, Tech/Career,
Fine Arts, or JROTC
Computer apps

Technology/Career Elective – 4 needed with 3 of the 4 in one area of concentration

Technology/Career Elective 1

Business education

Technology/Career Elective 2


Technology/Career Elective 3

Responsible parenting

Technology/Career Elective 4

2D, 3D art

Additional Electives




Child development

Health/Personal Fitness (1/2 credit of each)

22 Required Credits
______21_____ _1_________ ___1________
Total Total in Total
Earned Progress Needed

task 2

Where do I want to be ten years from now??

1. nice house

2. husband, and children

3. a good paying job (something that has to do with teaching)

4. a nice car

5. independent, and strong

6. financially stable

7. In good shape

8. Good health

9. helping my kids to succeed/being a good mom

10. Very close with my family

What do I need to do to get there?

1. focus in school

2. get all of my credits

3. graduate

4. send transcripts to colleges

5. try to start a job working at a daycare over the summer

6. start dieting

7. staying healthy, and positive

8. having good communication skills with the people around me

9. making good decisions

10. stay on the right track and keep my goals in mind.

An example of where I see myself in ten years.....
Service Learning Weekly Blog:
This week at my service learning was just like any other regular week. It was the same routine, and the same things were done. I helped the teachers with the children as much as I could, I participated, and i took care of each child to the best of my ability. One thing that I have noticed about my service learning is my aniticpation for each Wednesday! I really do enjoy getting to get out of my regular class and get to do my service learning, it is a lot of fun, and I really enjoy getting to see the children. I have gotten very close with everyone, and now it is very enjoyable to be able to go see everybody! Not only that, but the time goes by super fast, and that's always a good thing!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Cell Phone Etiquette

Task 1: quiz results...
You could be worse
You know proper cell phone etiquette, but you don't always practice it. With just a little more effort, you can avoid the evil stares of strangers and save yourself the embarrassment of revealing private details on a quiet bus. Remember to use the environmental settings on your phone, excuse yourself from a conversation if it is necessary to make or take a phone call, and brush up on your cell phone etiquette here. And really, talking on your cell phone in the bathroom? That's just plain gross.
Task 2:
class discussion..
Task 3:
My supervisor at my service learning is very kind. She is very helpful, and she is always eager to help me if i have any problems or concerns. All of the children adore her, and I can see why! She is a very nice woman. Yes, she does give clear instructions. All of the information that I get from her is very helpful to me. And yes, she is willing to answer any questions I have with no problem. I have no problems communicating with her at all. Some qualities that I would like to portray someday if i were i supervisor, that she has is her kindness, knowledge of the children and the field, and her attitude. I have learned through my experience at my service learning, that becoming a supervisor at a daycare, or at a school, or being a teacher for that matter can be very difficult at times. That is why I am happy to have the experience here, because it makes it easier for me to figure out what my strengths and weaknesses are, and what I may need to work on. I love my service learning a lot though, because it really is preparing me and giving me a lot of insight on the profession of working with children.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Communication Skills

Task 1:
-Written: email, texting, or facebook. Problems that could arise from written communication is that the person that you are talking to may not be able to understand the tone of your voice, so if you are in a certain mood, they may have a harder time understanding what is going on...how this can be solved is by maybe using punctuation, for example if you are mad about something, you can use all caps to express that you are "yelling". You may also just tell the person how you are feeling too.
-Verbal: speaking directly to the person. There could be problems through this kind of communication only if you are being rude or something. When talking to someone you should try to make eye contact, and when the other person talks you should be attentive and listen to what they say.
-Non verbal: body language, eye contact, gestures. Problems that could arise from this form of communication is someone could get the wrong impression or get confused, because you are not speaking directly to that person. For example, if you look at someone, and roll your eyes, that person is going to assume you are upset with them. This could be solved by clarifying that you are not upset, and directly speaking to that person.

I personally think that my communication skills are fine. I am a very attentive, and outgoing person, and I like talking to people and stuff, so I feel like I know how to talk to people. I think that I could work on my encounters with my family though, sometimes we all do not see eye to eye, and i have found that talking things out with them, really does better the situation. Rather than just bottling everything up. Communication is very important to me. I don't think that i communicate differently with different groups of people. Maybe i would talk differently to a cop, than I would to my friend...thats about it :)

Service Learning Weekly Journal:

My experience at the daycare thus far has been good. I am really starting to get very close to everyone, especially the children. I have a lot of fun, and it is a blast.
All of the children are great, each one is different, and unique in their own ways. Which makes each one of them adorable! But there are some hard parts of the job. I have noticed that when it is towards the end of the day, each child kind of gets a little fussy, which can be difficult. But i am learning ways to take care of them, and treat them, and make sure that each one is safe!
Communication is crucial at the daycare though. The way that you interact with the children is sooo important. Especially the tone of your voice, for example if a child is doing something wrong, you want to be a little stern, and let the child know by the tone that they are hot to do what they are doing. It is very important to be gental and kind to each of the children, so your tone of voice is everything.
Ms. Janey is awesome, I have so much fun with her. She has so much experience with children, so she is a really good "mentor", and guide for me. We all have so much fun.

7 Habits of Successful PLC Students

Task 1:
I think that I could work on my study habits. I have a very busy schedule, so I never study outside of school. I think that learning how to review what I have learned can really help. I need more motivation to do this though, because finding the time to do this is hard!
Task 2:
I think that positive students also have a strong mind, and are stress free. Learning can be very hard when you have negativity and stress in your life. I think that learning ways to deal with hard stuff that comes up in your life could really help a student manage the way they think and learn. Which could have a very good outcome in the future. I know from personal experience that stress can interfere with school, work, and the people in your life.
Another habit that I think a positive student should have is turning in all work on time. It is eaasy to get side tracked, and forget to turn in assignments on the deadline. Better organization, could help with this. I am a very organized person, so I know that it really does help.
Task 3:
I have already filled out the student information...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Study Skills

task 1
1.) getting to class on time: I would like to work on this because sometimes i show up to class late. It's easy to become distracted with social stuff, and lose track of the time, especially when there is no bell indicating that it's time to go to class! I think that I should work on becoming a little more "organized" so that I do not become so overwhelmed with work at school. I should organizes my notebooks, and notes, and class stuff so that it is easier for me to get started when i do show up for class! but lately i have not been tardy as much, so I have been improving!
2.) Taking good notes: I think that this is a big one for me. I don't mid taking notes, but i seem to have a hard time taking good, helpful ones. I think that i should learn how to abbreviate and shorten my notes, so that when i refer back to them, i will actually understand what it is that i wrote down.

task 2
a.) taking better notes:
paying better attention
writting fast
use symbols and abbreviations
review notes after class
ask questions

-i should work on having more motivation, stop worrying so much about the assignments, stop having such high standards about my work, stop disliking the tasks so much, and concentrate more!

My experience at the daycare...
To be honest, I thought that I was going to dislike it a lot! But after spending the day there, I ended up learning so much. I had a lot of fun, and I really got to experience what it is like having to take care of lots of different young children. I did not think that it was going to be as hard as it was! I noticed that my biggest concern with working with the children, was their safety. I made sure that each child was secure, and safe throughout the entire day. Which I am proud of, because I feel that I did a pretty good job for a first timer. I sort of struggled with keeping each child from putting every single little thing in their mouths! But i did make sure that I cleaned each toy at the end of the day, before I left.
Cleaning the center was the only thing that I disliked, although it wasn't even THAT bad to begin with. I jsut don't like cleaning very much in general..My first time at my service learning was very interesting to me, I look foward to going again in the weeks to come, I enjoyed it, and I adore each of the children I got to work with, already!

Attendace and Timeliness

task 1
My personal time log before my servive learning:
1. wake up, take shower
2. pick out clothes
3. put on makeup
4. pack lunch
5.leave 20 minutes early to have enough time to get there early.
- i think that my routine is pretty solid. I am never late, and I don't think that I waste too much time, I stick to the same routine every single day, and it seems to work for me pretty well...

Task 2:
-i can impliment time mamagement into my daily life by keeping a good solid schedule, and going by it every day. Having good sleep patterns help, and so does eating a nice breakfast in the morning may help for me to not get ran down. always keeping track of the time also can help.
-I get overwhelmed with obligations all the time. What i do is just try to stay calm, and try to breath. Never give up, keep trying and trying until you are satisfied with your work. take one thing at a time, and do whatever you have to do with a good effort.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

lesson 9: ATTITUDE

task 1
Whether or not I react positively or negatively to the different situations in my life really jsut depends on the situation. I TRY to be a positive person, and go throughout my day with a smile, but if something bad happens, then ofcoarse, I tend to get a little angry, or upset. I do try to work on that though. For example, my job usually has a huge effact on my moods. I work so much and if i feel overwhelmed, i usually shut myself out/away from everyone and everything. I hate feeling that way, but it seems to happen alot with my busy schedule. I also get very frustrated when I have too much to do, and so little time to do it. When school and work and daily tasks are piling up, i get very irritated, and can be very negative. Thats definately something I should try to work on..

task 2
With my job i try to go above and beyond. Even if i am having the worst day ever, I just cover the emotion up with a smile. only because my biggest thing is customer service, and I try to treat the paying customers well. Thats something that i AM actually proud of, I have alot of patience in that area. With my service learning experience I can assume that it will be the same exact way..

task 3
Other people's attitudes def. can effect your life in positive/negative ways. ONLY if you let it though. I use to let other people get me down, but now I just learned to push those negative attitudes out of my life permanitly.I try to surround myself with uplifting people. I refuse to hang out with negative, mean people. I've grown out of that, and there is no need for those sort of people in my life. I want to be the best i can be, and excell, so keeping positive, good friends is really important to me.


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~brittany lamb :]]]